Customer : Global Technology player in IT & Telecom
Location : Worldwide
Industry : Technology Hardware
Profile : Global leading player in the ICT industry with lead position in the IT and Telecom products domain.
The client, a well known name in the ICT industry wanted to increases sales and special focus on high end products sales.
However they had no visibility on what is happening at the retail level as the products pass through 2 channels of distribution before it touches retail points.
And further the client no control on ensuring that its incentive scheme really motivated the sales staff, do the sales staff have adequate knowledge to sell the product.
Due to lack of visibility, client also had no control in steering the promotion program while it was in operation.
We developed a educational mobile APP and reached out to the retail sales people in several EMEA countries that helped the salesforce to engage with their customers.
Further using the same ‘connect’ our app pulled the retail sales intelligence real time and delivered rich and current retail insights to the client.
By additionally supporting the endeavor with ground staff and telesales, the program ensured traction and execution.
Finally by developing a fully compliant incentive disbursement system, the motivation of the retail sales people was kept at all time high to perform and deliver results.
The client could direct stock replenishment to outlets of necessity and could gather first hand view of the retail market to take strategic and tactical decisions.
The client saw a 57% increase in high-end sales performance and an overall increase in sales by about 117%
The retail salesforce knowledge and confidence level to sell the product grew main-fold using the ‘always – available’ mobile app.
The client could change the course of the promotion program based on real-time sales intelligence and make pointed changes depending on performance.
Every marketing dollar spent on sales person incentive was accounted for and a full transparency saved huge marketing dollars for the client.