Dr. Praveenkumar Somasundram

Dr. Praveenkumar Somasundram

Head of International Cooperation Division and National Supercomputing Mission of DST, India.

Dr Praveenkumar Somasundaram, a senior scientist of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India had done his Degree and Masters Degree in Physics from University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram. He obtained his doctoral degree from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore in Physics on perovskites.

He has a professional career spanning over 29 years of conceptualizing, implementing and monitoring programs in the science & technology arena through various assignments. He had been involved in several R&D promotional schemes of DST at various levels.

Dr Somasundaram is currently heading the International Cooperation Division and National Supercomputing Mission of DST. He closely involved with many programmes spanning in Bilateral, Multilateral and Regional Cooperation which have profound influence in the S&T ecosystem.