7th Feb 2017
Kemajuan teknologi informasi di indonesia telah merambah beragam sektor dan lapisan. Mulai dari teknologi consumer, bisnis berskala UKM, sampai perusahaan-perusahaan kelas karporat.
20th Mar 2017
Penyelenggara GATES Indonesia ICT Reseller Summit mengumumkan formasi panel juri untuk memilih nominasi ICT Excellence Awards 2017. Anggota juri tersebut termasuk eksekutif dari distributor dan ritel ternama di Indonesia, serta para ahli independen dari perusahaan peneliti dan media.
14th Mar 2017
Dua bulan menjelang hari-H penyelenggaraan, acara GATES Indonesia ICT Reseller Channel Summit 2017 di Bali memperoleh dukungan resmi dari sejumlah partner lokal.
10th Mar 2017
Penyelenggara GATES Indonesia ICT Reseller mengumumkan serangkaian kemitraan dengan asosiasi media, penelitian dan industri untuk acara channel pertama kali di Indonesia. Kerjasama ini bakal menghadirkan beragam pendapat dalam
27th Apr 2017
Tiga nama vendor global dipastikan tampil sebagai pembicara utama dalam acara GATES Indonesia ICT Reseller Channel Summit 2017 yang akan digelar pada 2 – 4 Mei 2017 di Grand Mirage Resort & Thalasso, Nusa Dua, Bali.
14th Apr 2017
INDONESIA HARDWARE ZONE – GATES Indonesia ICT Reseller Summit akan Tampilkan Pembicara Teratas
GATES Summit mengumumkan jajaran pembicara utama pada program konferensi acara tersebut, termasuk pidato dari vendor teknologi teratas seperti HP, Leapfrog dan Toshiba. Mitra peneliti GATES, Gfk, IDC dan Spire juga akan menginformasikan wawasan mereka dengan para distributor, ritel dan mitra channel lainnya.
3rd Apr 2017
INFOKOMPUTER – GATES Indonesia ICT Reseller Summit 2017 Akan Beri Penghargaan Vendor Terbaik
GATES Indonesia ICT Reseller Summit 2017 yang akan dilaksanakan di Bali, 2 – 4 Mei 2017. tidak hanya akan menyajikan sarana konferensi dan menjalin kerja sama antara penyedia solusi TI global dan mitra-mitra lokal, tetapi juga menggelar malam penghargaan terhadap vendor-vendor terbaik dan berprestasi di Indonesia.
29th May 2017
ChannelTimes – GATES Announces 3rd ICT Reseller Channel Summit in India
New Delhi: The Third Edition of India ICT Reseller Summit, organized by GATES will take place from 12-14 September 2017 in Gurgaon, India. A powerful platform for the IT channel community, GATES will bring together international technology vendors with channel executives from across India including key distributors, resellers and VARs that form the backbone of the ICT channel.
25th May 2017
ASCL – GATES के तीसरे India ICT Reseller Summit
की तैयारियाँ आरंभ
गेट्स ने इंडिया ICT रिसेलर समिट के अगले संस्करण की तिथि और स्थान घोषित कर दिया है: यह इवेंट गुरुग्राम में 12-14 सितंबर को अायोजित किया जाएगा। इवेंट के तीसरे संस्करण में गेट्स अंतर्राष्ट्रीय टेक्नोलॉजी निर्माताओं और देशभर के चैनल प्रतिनिधियों – मुख्य डिस्ट्रीब्यूटर्स, रिसेलर्स VARs को एक जगह पर आमंत्रित करेगा जो दरअसल इस व्यापक और तेजी से बढ़ रहे बाज़ार की रीढ़ की भूमिका निभाते हैं।
7th Jul 2017
ItVoice – GATES India ICT Reseller Summit To Host World-Class Conference Programme
GATES organizers announce a leading line up of speakers and content partners for the third edition of the GATES India ICT Reseller Summit, held 12-14 September 2017 at The Heritage Hotel in Manesar, Gurgaon. The conference programme will feature keynote presentations from vendors and industry experts, a panel discussion with top channel executives, and the highly-anticipated “SmartPitch” session.
4th Jul 2017
NCN – GATES Announces Dates for next India ICT Reseller Summit
GATES Announces the date for next India ICT Reseller Summit. The Summit will be held in Gurgaon, 12-14 September 2017. GATES will bring together international technology vendors with pan Indian channel partners – distributors, resellers & VAR’s etc., that form the backbone of the ICT channel in this vast, dynamic marketplace.
31st Aug 2017
ItVoice – ‘GATES ICT Reseller Channel Awards 2017’ vendor nominations announced
The official list of nominees for the annual ‘GATES ICT Reseller Channel Awards 2017’ has been announced. These Annual Awards will be taking place on the 13th September 2017 at the Heritage Village, Gurgaon, celebrating vendor excellence in the country’s ICT reseller channels.
24th Aug 2017
Telecom – 40 brands in fray for ICT channel awards 2017
NEW DELHI: As many as 40 multinational brands were nominated for the annual ‘GATES ICT Reseller Channel Awards 2017’ with winners to be announced on September 13. This year, GATES is organizing ICT awards in India, covering 10 different product categories in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) space.
24th Aug 2017
NCN – GATES ICT Reseller Channel Awards 2017 vendor nominations announced
The official list of nominees for the annual ‘GATES ICT Reseller Channel Awards 2017’ has been announced. These Annual Awards will be taking place on the 13th September 2017 at the Heritage Village, Gurgaon, celebrating vendor excellence in the country’s ICT reseller channels.
23rd Aug 2017
ASCL – गेट्स ICT रीसेलर चैनल अवॉर्ड्स 2017 दावेदार वेंडरों के नामों की सूची जारी
T‘गेट्स ICT रीसेलर चैनल अवॉर्ड्स 2017’ के दावेदारों की सूची जारी कर दी गई है। ये अवॉर्ड्स 12-14 सितंबर को हैरिटेज विलेज, गुरुग्राम में आयोजित होंगे जहाँ देश के ICT रीसेलर चैनल समूह के प्रतिनिधि स्वयं लाइव वोटिंग के जरिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ वेंडर को चुनेंगे।
11th Aug 2017
ItVARnews – GATES India Summit To Showcase ‘Taiwan Excellence’ Technology
GATES announces that TAITRA, Taiwan’s foremost non-profit trade promotion organization, will again partner with GATES India Summit to showcase the nation’s top ICT brands at the event. Each company holds the prestigious “Taiwan Excellence” designation, a mark to honor Taiwan’s most innovative and value-added products. Each year TAITRA recognizes select Taiwan-made brands through a rigorous selection process in four principal categories: design, quality, R&D and international marketing.
4th Aug 2017
NCN – GATES India Summit To Showcase Taiwan Excellence Technology
GATES announces that TAITRA, Taiwan’s foremost non-profit trade promotion organization, will again partner with GATES India Summit to showcase the nation’s top ICT brands at the event. Each company holds the prestigious “Taiwan Excellence” designation, a mark to honor Taiwan’s most innovative and value-added products. Each year TAITRA recognizes select Taiwan-made brands through a rigorous selection process in four principal categories: design, quality, R&D and international marketing.
21th Sep 2017
ItVoice – GATES ICT Reseller Summit Unites India’s SME Channel Community
GATES ICT Reseller Summit concludes at the Heritage Village Resort and Spa in Manesar, Gurgaon with over 250 top executives from the ICT industry. Now in its third year, GATES Summit brought together leading channel partners from 43 cities in India for over 650 pre-scheduled 1-on-1 meetings with senior executives from international technology brands.
20th Sep 2017
DQChannels – GATES ICT Reseller Summit Unites India’s SME Channel Community
GATES ICT Reseller Summit concludes at the Heritage Village Resort and Spa in Manesar, Gurgaon with over 250 top executives from the ICT industry. Now in its third year, GATES Summit brought together leading channel partners from 43 cities in India for over 650 pre-scheduled 1-on-1 meetings with senior executives from international technology brands.
19th Sep 2017
ASCL – GATES ICT Reseller Summit Unites India’s SME Channel Community
GATES ICT Reseller Summit concludes at the Heritage Village GATESResort and Spa in Manesar, Gurgaon with over 250 top executives from the ICT industry. Now in its third year, GATES Summit brought together leading channel partners from 43 cities in India for over 650 pre-scheduled 1-on-1 meetings with senior executives from international technology brands.
19th Sep 2017
NCN – GATES ICT Reseller Summit Unites India’s SME Channel Community
GATES ICT Reseller Summit concludes at the Heritage Village Resort and Spa in Manesar, Gurgaon with over 250 top executives from the ICT industry. Now in its third year, GATES Summit brought together leading channel partners from 43 cities in India for over 650 pre-scheduled 1-on-1 meetings with senior executives from international technology brands.
18th Sep 2017
ChannelTimes – GATES ICT Reseller Summit Unites India’s SME Channel Community
GATES ICT Reseller Summit concludes at the Heritage Village Resort and Spa in Manesar, Gurgaon with over 250 top executives from the ICT industry. Now in its third year, GATES Summit brought together leading channel partners from 43 cities in India for over 650 pre-scheduled 1-on-1 meetings with senior executives from international technology brands.
14th Sep 2017
ICT Reseller Channel Summit – Taiwan lands big orders at ICT Reseller Channel Summit in India
Taipei, Sept. 14 (CNA) The Taiwanese delegation to the GATES ICT Reseller Channel Summit in India had a fruitful three days that resulted in big orders for attending firms, according to company officials returning on Thursday.